Patient Triage: Our new online consultation tool coming soon

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We’re pleased to announce that we are launching a new online consultation system tool called Patient Triage in November 2022. We have selected Patient Triage to take the place of our previous online consultation service which patients accessed via our website.

Coming Soon: Contact us online!

We have listened to our patients and our staff to select an online consultation system that is accessible and simple to use, and together we have decided on the Patient Triage which is an AccuRx product. This is part of our commitment to improving our patients’ experience.

The new online consultation service offers a secure, confidential, simple and flexible way for patients and carers to contact their GP practice – it will not replace face to face appointments, it is an additional way for you to contact us through our website.

The new system allows our patients to have easy access to a range of services from your computer or smartphone, including:

  • reporting symptoms to your GP
  • booking virtual appointments
  • accessing health advice

The service can be used by our patients, or by a carer on the patient’s behalf.

This new service can save you time by requesting support via the website so that patients have flexibility in accessing timely care.

To request repeat prescriptions, you should continue to follow the current process we have in place.

We will confirm when Patient Triage will be available for patients, we expect this to be from the 28th November 2022, in the meantime please continue to contact us in your usual way.